In general time frame, it will take estimate 30 days to 45 days depend on the current productions and the order quantity by the customer.
With exceptional, customer may get their products earlier IF the current production produces extra sets.
Metal slats base, Veneer slats base (bendwood) and LVL slats base.
We do not use liquid paint for the bed frame. We use Electrostatics Powder Coating because it is odourless, has a clean finishing, it is lightweight and cheaper.
We focus on projects and furniture distribution to local suppliers as well as export overseas. We also sell Selected Products direct to consumers via e-commerce platforms such as Lazada and Shopee.
No. We do not include delivery or installation service, but we do provide third parties for these services. All costs will be borne by the buyer.
Yes, the bed frame is strong as long you use it for rest/sleep; wear and tear will be exceptional.
Yes, we do have manufacturing warranty for all products from the date collected (6 – 12 months periods). Any manufacturing defect will be replaced on a 1 to 1 basis for spares parts and accessories. The bed frame is excluded for wear and tear.
Yes, we do accept customized bed frame orders. Prices will be quoted after receiving your specifications. We also provide sampling for photography at a fee.